Friday, May 30, 2008

palin on bears

Gov. Palin was on Fox News Wednesday talking about the state's decision to sue over the polar bear listing. A few things of note:
-She's openly expressing concerns about impacts on development now, instead of just criticizing the scientific evidence.
-She's using the claim that U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens has been using about polar bears having a healthy population that's increased dramatically in the last 30 years. (I'm not sure to what extent that's true.)
-She's adopted the term "extreme environmentalists."
. . . But, you know, I will tell you, Neil, as you know, if extreme environmentalists have their way — and we do believe that what they would like to see, some of them, is oil and gas development shut down on Alaska's North Slope — then the economic impact to our nation would really be catastrophic there. . . .
Click here for a transcript.

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