Thursday, May 29, 2008

sun and other news

It's been sunny and warm in Juneau for almost a week now. People are getting burned and tan, a little puzzled, and some even uneasy about the amount of sun. Instead of chance of rain 100 percent, it's chance of rain 20 percent.
Anyway, excuse the delay. I've been outside.
In terms of news...
The Alaska Municipal League is hosting a big conference on climate change this week in Anchorage, which looks pretty cool. U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski is scheduled to speak today.
The Anchorage Daily News had an editorial and KTUU had a story on the polar bear listing, and APRN did something on efforts to get other ice-dependent animals listed. Andy Revkin at the NY Times wrote about polar nations meeting and agreeing to be sensible with land claims as the arctic ice melts.

. . . The meeting capped a frenetic year of Arctic activity as countries vied to demonstrate their polar hegemony with a mix of rhetoric, military maneuvers and, in the case of Russia, a submarine voyage to the seabed at the North Pole.

One of the two participating minisubmarines left a titanium national flag on the bottom, 14,000 feet beneath the shifting sea ice. . . .

In national news, Wired did a big piece on climate change and how we might have to rethink some common assumptions about dealing with it. NPR did a story about their story. And Revkin wrote about a new U.S. gov report on the impacts of climate change.

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