Wednesday, August 8, 2007

a new scale

OK, I'm back now from a crazy weekend of fishing, trekking, and driving.
NPR keeps doing its stories from around the world, the latest one on the physiological value of the midday siesta. On another scale completely is this story on the potential for massive global changes under a warming climate, like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Eruptions of Pavlof volcano in Alaska, for example, tend to occur during the winter months when, for meteorological reasons, the regional sea level is barely 30cm (12in) higher than during the summer. If other volcanic systems are similarly sensitive then we could be faced with an escalating burst of volcanic activity as anthropogenic climate change drives sea levels ever upwards.
Seems a little on the speculative side, but a good read anyway. The picture is of Augustine Volcano right here in Alaska.

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